Due of the comparatively cheap expense, operating a retail business online has the potential to be extremely successful. You don’t have to worry about commercial leases, business rates, or electricity expenses when your company is headquartered online, unlike when you have a physical location. The absence of a business property’s storage capacity for merchandise may be its only drawback. However, a self-storage facility may take care of that minor issue and provides a host of additional advantages.
- Convenient storage
- Throughout the hours of operation, you have 24/7 access to your unit.
- Most of our locations feature free on-site parking, and all of them are close to significant road and/or rail networks.
You can shift your belongings into a neat, dry space and buy packing or protectors to assist keep them safe. All of our locations have advanced security systems installed, including intruder alarms and 24-hour recorded CCTV. Additionally, you are the only one with access to your room during business hours and have the sole key.